Welcome to Storyteller, a blog about sharing stories.
Here you will find both prose and poetry, musings about keeping journals and probably the occasional blathering about books, since I am now resigned to this bookish obsession of mine.
I work in several journals simultaneously and I truly believe that everyone should have a journal of some kind. Many of my journals are visual rather than just written, and there will be more on this subject in the future, either here or at my other blog on creativity: www.wildheartmanifesto.blogspot.com
This past winter, on every Starbucks door there appeared…
My thoughts exactly. I can’t think of a way to put it better or say it more succinctly.
Indigenous cultures have great storytelling traditions, but our evolution as a society has to some degree let the art of storytelling fall by the wayside, except for perhaps in book form. With the advent of radio, storytelling moved from the hearth to gathering around the radio to hear stories, accompanied by melodramatic sound effects and music.
Indigenous cultures have great storytelling traditions, but our evolution as a society has to some degree let the art of storytelling fall by the wayside, except for perhaps in book form. With the advent of radio, storytelling moved from the hearth to gathering around the radio to hear stories, accompanied by melodramatic sound effects and music.
And now the world wide web has brought us the gift of the global village, whereby we are able to share stories with anyone, almost anywhere on the planet. It affords us an opportunity to discover unique points of view, live vicariously through others and share the gift of storytelling.
Although the digital world will never compare to the visceral pleasure of holding a book, or working within the pages of a book, it does provide us with a great way to share. That’s just my humble opinion.
I am interested in the stories of those who are not computer literate, who may live in primitive conditions or have other barriers to overcome. I am especially interested in the stories of the elderly who may be leaving soon and taking their untold stories with them. It is my hope to find these stories and publish them here as gifts of storytelling for everyone who visits this blog.
I offer you this challenge…..
If you are acquainted with an elderly person who may not have a computer, and who has something good to share, please help shine a light on these stories. Please email me with a story that may need work on grammar or other editing to sharingyourstories@gmail.com and I will be happy to help. Please try to include a photo or two if you can (since they are apparently worth a thousand words). Thank you so much for sharing this ‘gift’.
Here is a little video about the creative man, Brady Smith, who is a great journal keeper and his contribution to the Starbuck’s campaign "STORIES ARE GIFTS. SHARE."
If you are acquainted with an elderly person who may not have a computer, and who has something good to share, please help shine a light on these stories. Please email me with a story that may need work on grammar or other editing to sharingyourstories@gmail.com and I will be happy to help. Please try to include a photo or two if you can (since they are apparently worth a thousand words). Thank you so much for sharing this ‘gift’.
Here is a little video about the creative man, Brady Smith, who is a great journal keeper and his contribution to the Starbuck’s campaign "STORIES ARE GIFTS. SHARE."
Labels: Stories are Gifts.
I really like your site and I hope you get lots of stories! Recording the wisdom of our elders for posterity is a great service to the world.