May 05, 2011

Writing Down the Bones

On the carousel to the right you will find not a single book on style and grammar. You can always reference Strunk and White for that.

The books featured here offer great inspiration and coax you to write and share your stories. Put pen to paper and move it. Or fingers to keyboard and begin dancing with the keys.

Let me tell you first about Natalie Goldberg. I have read Natalie's writings for years and I especially love two of her books 'Wild Mind' and 'Writing Down the Bones'.
'Writing Down the Bones' has sold more than a million and a half copies and continues to sell after 20 years on the shelves.

Natalie has a calm poetical way of speaking and offering encouragement. She explains that for her, writing is a spiritual practice. Enjoy this video. Be inspired. Share your stories.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, Ms. Nat! Love her. She is an inspiration. I found a taped seminar of hers years ago when I was newly single, had no tv, and mostly just wanted to get lost in my journal. I began listening to her workshop and did some good writing. Writing Down the Bones is on my shelf too. Thanks for snooping out the video above! Happy writing!
